SANDRA VELEZ: FIVE tips for Building your Business as a Mom
...or MOMPRENUER (During these Crazy Times)
I know, times are crazy…our days are ever changing. Our expectations have shifted. We are obliged to wear many hats. All of this by force and not by choice. Welcome to a new normal. While our world is going through an evolution, it does not mean it has to have a negative effect on our lives. Let’s allow in all the good that comes along with change, even if we do not see it, let's look for it! Here are some helpful tips to guide you as a mother and as a business woman on how to build your personal brand.
TIP #1
When you get out of bed in the morning and your feet touch the floor, just breathe. Breathe in the opportunity of a new day. Breathe out yesterday for it is now in the past. Today is a new beginning for you. This is the first part of developing a daily breathing routine. The second part is to take 20 minutes out of your day and dedicate it to yourself. This can be through meditation, yoga, reading a book or doing an activity you enjoy: the goal is to allow your mind to relax. I understand your time is limited and making a decision to take 20 minutes out of your day to breathe can feel like an overwhelming commitment. But know it will have a lasting impact on all areas of your life. During quarantine I chose to walk every day, just walk - not run, nor try a vigorous workout. I literally just walked up and down the street I live on. I began to see positive results on my mental health just from taking this break each day. I began by walking 20 minutes a day and slowly increased to an hour daily. Before I realized, I had started running. I'm not a runner and I've never ran for anything in my life. But it felt great! This has now become part of my new normal, allowing time for clarity and my creativity to flow. My advice is simple: commit to you! Commit to giving yourself 20 minutes a day and you will see a domino effect of positivity in your work productivity and with your children!
TIP #2
Be you, be yourself, don't be anybody else. You are authentically your brand. I am sure you have heard this many times, however it is relevant now more than ever. This is most important for you and for building your brand because both are intertwined. You are what you offer. First and foremost, define your brand and define your expertise in it. During a time where social media is at the forefront of everything we do, anyone and everyone can be an influence in your life. We let the picture perfect moms and overly ambitious professionals become our competition when you should be establishing your own presence in the market.
In particular, this time has been a reflection for many people in discovering our likes and dislikes both professionally and personally. New discoveries have been made. That’s the fire within you that has been yearning to come out. Turn these discoveries into embracing who you are. Wear that favorite bold lipstick and change out of that athleisure wear into a chic outfit, and wear a smile to your zoom call. Remember who you are! And remember you are not here to please everyone. Keep your individuality that makes you authentically you!
TIP #3
Networking can be tough during normal times, but now we are faced with the new challenges of virtual communication. How exactly do you network during a pandemic? First, start with the people you know. Do not just contact them to share your business venture; networking is not selling. Connect with them authentically by asking an appropriate question such as, “How are you doing during this time?”. This will open up a conversation leading to sharing your personal brand story and generating brand awareness. And who knows where that can lead or what doors it can open. Secondly, connect with people on LinkedIn within your field. LinkedIn is not about clicking through friend requests. It is about making meaningful connections by requesting people and attaching a note explaining why you would like to connect. Lastly, you are probably on zoom calls all day and it’s time to make good use of them. Send emails to people that stood out to you and were impactful on your call. Take a risk and put yourself out there! It can lead to opening the next door of opportunity.
TIP #4
What is the best thing about motherhood? My answer is always the same: watching my autistic child be fearless in all he does. Momprenuers should do the same. So today, I challenge you to stop double guessing yourself and over analyzing. Just because you are working from home does not mean you should waste time on overthinking. By this point, you know your vision, you know you are an expert in your field, and you know your worth. Keep this spark in the forefront of all you do. Just write the email, just send the proposal, just work on that new idea. Whatever it may be…just launch it!
TIP #5
Try something new! Buy that skincare you have been wanting to try. Try that virtual painting class you were too shy to try in person. Book a game night for the family. Do things out of the ordinary, during this out of the ordinary time. Your family will appreciate you and you will appreciate you!
Our favorite ALL question: If you had 30 seconds to say one thing and EVERYONE on the planet stopped and actually listened…what would you say?
The time is NOW! Covid has shown us that we should live every day to its fullest and align in our passion and purpose. So start that business, sign up for that class, whatever ideas you have been hoarding, release them because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
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