our founder

Hi there! I wanted to take this moment to personally thank you for being here and to introduce myself by sharing a little bit about why ALL was created.
My name is Hayley Cammarata, I am the founder and CEO of A Labor of Love and its been a mission of mine since I was a young girl to inspire and help all people believe that they can live their dream life.
In my experience we’re all essentially seeking the same things in life: LOVE, HAPPINESS and PEACE and I believe if we operate with integrity and lead our lives with a win/win mindset in which we all can win, abundance would exist for ALL and scarcity wouldn’t.

A Labor of Love was born over 2 years ago when I traveled to Haiti in part to help build clean water wells. While there I witnessed, on an international level, the scarcity of basic necessities and the need for people to be connected globally.
Combining this new awareness while working in the retail industry and through the guidance of some dear friends and ALL supporters, I began to realize the sheer impact we had on our environment through retail waste. The immense volume of textiles and products that were discarded was heartbreaking and this imbalance of scarcity and waste kept me up at night. Bridging this gap by bringing more awareness was an easy choice by facilitating action in a way we could all win with A Labor of Love.
Our platform is rooted in CONSCIOUSNESS, CONNECTION, and COMMUNITY - through shopping with a purpose. We are giving you access to great brands at great prices, giving perfectly good clothing a second chance by diverting them from a questionable future and donating up to 5% of every sale to non-profits who are changing the world so you can pay it forward easily by turning your purpose into action.
Thank you for being a part of this journey so early and I can’t wait to see how we can come together to make this world a better place.
meet the leadership team

Director, Product Strategy and Procurement
Dominique decided to go into fashion so she could help people look and feel their best. She has had a substantial amount of experience within the fashion industry, and throughout her career she has had wonderful exposure, internationally and domestically.
She is also enamored by other cultures and foreign places, and travel has helped her realize that while we all may come from different backgrounds and circumstances, we also all share the commonality of being human. Dominique is determined, well versed, and curious, and everything she does in her life, she does it with purpose.